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              16.   Time-varying Performance Evaluation of         2015-2018          Research
                    Boundary Mould Elements (Feed-aids) for                      Promotion Scheme          15.88
                    Effective Application of CAD and Simulation                    (RPS) of AICTE
                    Technologies in Indian Foundries
                                         Externally Funded Minor Research Projects
               1.    Ayurveda Leaf Classification using CNN        2018-2019      NVIDIA Pvt. Ltd.           1.25
                    District Human Development Report” (DHDR)
                    for Chhotaudepur District funded by Gujarat                       GSIDS,
               2.                                                  2017-2018                                   6
                    Social Infrastructure Development Society                       Gandhinagar
                    Development of solution-based ZnO
               3.    nanostructures as light harvesters for low-cost                                          4.5
                    solar photovoltaics.
                    Improvement of physico-chemical properties of
               4.    active pharmaceutical ingredient via solid state                                         3.6
                    modification.                                  2016-2018         GUJCOST
                    Design, synthesis and evaluation of novel lipid
               5.                                                                                              1
                    lowering agent.
                    Enhancement in thermal conductivity using
               6.                                                                                             4.7
                                                CHARUSAT Funded Projects
                    Detection of high-risk HPVs, Chlamydia
                    trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and
                    Trichomonas vaginalis infection and their
               1.                                                  2016-2019                                   5
                    association with TLR 4 and 9 SNPs to identify
                    susceptibility markers in cervical cancer and
                    cervicitis patients.
                    Inkjet Printing of Perovskite inks for low-cost
               2.                                                                   CHARUSAT                  4.1
                    Solar Photovoltaics.
                    A study to assess Prevalence of thalassemia in
               3.    reproductive age group females in central     2016-2018                                 2.97
                    Development of Novel Linkers for Quantitative
               4.    Detection of Urinary Proteins as Smart                                                    5
                    Diagnostic Tool for Cancer.
           Total                                                                                          612.83

               3.7     No. of books published

                                   Details                        No. of Publications
                              1.   With ISBN No.                           15
                              2.   Chapters in Edited Books                12
                              3.   Without ISBN No.                         6

               3.8     No. of University Departments receiving funds from (UGC SAP, CAS, DST-FIST,
               DPE, DBT:

               Sr. No.    Name of Funding Agency       No. of Research Projects      Amount      Received
                                                                                     (INR Lakhs)
               1.         DST Scheme/Funds                          10                      362.77
               2.         DBT Scheme/Funds                          2                        72.46

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