Page 19 - AQAR_2017-2018
P. 19


               Criterion - IV
               4    Infrastructure and Learning Resources

               4.1   Details of increase in infrastructure facilities:

                Facilities                 Existing        Newly created      Source of Fund     Total
                Campus area                   106.2                -                                106.2
                Class rooms (Sq. m)          9407.83            560.33                             9968.16
                Laboratories (Sq. m)         19623.8            267.38                             19891.18

                Seminar Halls (sq.           2348.17            237.79                            2585.96
                                                                              CHARUSAT +
                No. of important                                              DST + NVIDIA
                equipments                                                    GPU Grant
                purchased (> 1-0                184               115         Program + Royal         299
                lakh) during the                                              Academy of
                current year.
                                                                              Engineering, UK
                Value of the equipment                                        CHARUSAT +
                purchased          during      267.51           380.49        Project                 648
                the year (Rs. in Lakhs)

                4.2  Computerization of administration and library

                Computerization of administration:
                    Paperless  management  through  e-governance  system  is  a  regular  practice  at
                      CHARUSAT. It caters to all functionality needed from “Student’s enrolment to degree
                      generation” and from “Employees entry to exit”. It is a customized ERP where End-to-
                      End Integration is possible.
                    Mobile  Apps  supporting  Android  and  iOS  have  also  been  developed  for  easy
                      accessibility of the E-governance system through smart phones.
                    Other processes where automation and digitization is used are biometric presence of
                      staff  and  students,  E-Notice  boards,  Smart  ID  cards,  Cashless  Transactions,  Salary
                      Disbursement, All payments and receipts, Inventory management for consumable etc.
                    Additionally, CHARUSAT had developed two e-systems viz. Centralized Data Base
                      (CDB  system)  and  CHARUNIDHI  (Charusat  Digital  Repository)  to  manage  and
                      retrieve the data generated through various contributions (curricular and extra- and co-
                      curricular) by faculty members and students.
                    Students’ entrance examinations at certain levels and qualifying examinations for staff
                      recruitment are conducted online or using software-generated question paper.

                    Computer  based  tools  supporting  bulk  messages  to  students  are  utilized  for
                      communicating students’ attendance status to their parents on a regular basis.

                    Social media platform  is  extensively utilized for announcing  university  updates and
                      thus  have  an  increased  outreach  within  concerned  communities  including  alumni
                      network, donors, well-wishers and other stakeholders.

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