Page 7 - AQAR_2017-2018
P. 7


                                                        Part – B

               Criterion – I
               1. Curricular Aspects
               1.1 Details about Academic Programmes

                                                         Number     of                   Number of value
                                        Number     of                   Number      of
                Level of the                             Programmes                      added / Career
                Programme               existing         added  during   self-financing    Oriented
                                        Programmes                      Programmes
                                                         the year                        Programmes
                PhD                           6                0               6                 6
                PG                            33               2              35                 35
                UG                            16               4              20                 20
                PG Diploma                    6                0               6                 6
                Certificate                   0                0               0                 0
                Others (Dual Degree)          3                0               3                 3
                Total                         64               6              70                 70

               1.2     (i) Flexibility of the Curriculum: CBCS and Elective options.
                       (ii) Pattern of programmes:

                                  Pattern            Number of Programmes
                                  Semester             64 (Excluding 6 Ph.D. Program)

                                  Trimester                           -
                                  Annual                              -

               1.3     Feedback from stakeholders (on all aspects)
                                   Alumni             √
                                   Parents            √
                                   Employers          √
                                   Students           √

                       Mode of feedback:
                                   Online             √
                                   Manual             √

                   Analysis of Feedback Received from Various Stakeholders

                   Brief report on Feedback obtained from Alumni
                     Alumni expressed great satisfaction towards the curriculum content and transaction,
                       chiefly  in  terms  of  its  learning  value,  usefulness  to  address  real  life  situations  and
                       problems and extent of coverage
                     Majority  alumni  are  satisfied  with  infrastructure  and  opportunities  extended  by  the
                     While  most  alumni  found  the  curriculum  to  sufficiently  incorporate  employment-
                       oriented  contents  and  practices;  they  suggested  enrichment  of  the  already  existing
                       modules offering industrial exposure.

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