Page 5 - AQAR_2017-2018
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5. Preparation of CHARUSAT Strategic Plan 2018-2023 and monitoring its
6. Documentation and facilitation of the procedure towards availing SIRO
(Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) recognition from
Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR).
7. Encouraging and mentoring research proposal preparation by faculty
8. Organization of Open House where Provost Sir directly interact with
students and staff members.
9. Organization of Workshop on “Outcome based Education” during July 04-
08, 2017.
10. Regular communications across the University to create awareness regarding
changing policies of important regulatory bodies in academics like UGC,
AICTE etc. as applicable.
11. Development of IQAC library.
12. Institutional IQAC facilitates organization of selected technical/scientific
expert talks and sessions.
13. Quality benchmarks compilation and its spread across University.
2.15. Plan of Action by IQAC/Outcome
The plan of action chalked out by the IQAC in the beginning of the year
towards quality enhancement and the outcome achieved by the end of the year
Sr. No. Plan of Action Achievements
1 Academic and Administrative An orientation to the activity was undertaken
Audit (AAA) of constituent by an internal committee at the end of the odd
institutes and departments. semester, while a team constituted by the
Provost consisting of external experts
conducted the audit at the end of the academic
year for all the constituent institutes /
2 Ensure regular updating of Faculty members are regularly updating the
Centralized Data Base (CDB data in CDB and CHARUNIDHI. This is a
system) and CHARUNIDHI regular practice at CHARUSAT.
(Charusat Digital Repository)
3 Preparation, amendment, and University policies are reviewed at regular
notification of University intervals and amended. The amendments are
policies then notified.
4 Preparation of CHARUSAT Initiated the process of crafting CHARUSAT
Strategic Plan 2018-2023 and Strategic Plan 2018-2023 by constituting a
monitoring its execution. committee involving senior faculty members.
5 Documentation and facilitation Application for SIRO recognition is under
of the procedure towards process.
availing SIRO recognition.
6 Encouraging and mentoring 34 projects were reviewed and approved for
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