Page 28 - AQAR_2017-2018
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Integrated Modules:
Master Data Management Time Table Management System
Student Registration System Feedback Management System
Student Information System Result Management System
Student Attendance System Dept. Activities / Event Management
Resource Management System General Record Keeping
Human Resource Management Examination Management System
Academic information Management Alumni
Inventory Management System Library Management System
Industrial Interaction & Placement Interface with external Apps.
Student Counselling
The E-governance system serves as M.I.S facilitating strategic and operational
decision making.
6.3 Quality improvement strategies adopted by the institution for each of the following:
6.3.1 Curriculum Development
Amalgamated approach involving benchmarking and constant up gradation is
practiced in curriculum development. Benchmarking is done with curricula of
other reputed institution and up gradation is done based on changing needs of
society as understood from various stakeholders like industry, alumni and peers
from academia and research.
6.3.2 Teaching and Learning
Choice based credit system across all programs
Feedback on academic activities and campus life experiences (formal as well
as informal).
Audit of teaching-learning activities by peers.
Monitoring of students activities through counselling system.
Liberal Arts courses catering to nurture individual hobbies are offered by
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences to all undergraduate students.
Continuous evaluation of student performance in theory and laboratory
Summer internship programs for students. Faculty of Pharmacy is offering
Summer Fellowship for undergraduate students.
Curriculum integrated with research/project components.
Students and faculty members are encouraged to undertake web-based
learning courses offered by Swayam, NPTEL etc.
Faculty members are encouraged to use open source Learning Management
Systems (LMSs) like MOODLE and Edmodo.
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